Historically FLOR led communications talking about the pieces (carpet tiles) rather than the final product (area rugs). We realized this was harder for our residential customer to understand this concept so we changed "Carpet Design Squares" to "Creative Rug Design".

Enlisting Firebelly to help us was one of the best decisions we made. Together we worked in an agile way that made them feel like an extension of my team. In the end we go a beautiful system including a new identity, fantastic messaging and a custom typeface. This all led to great accolades including a mention on Under Consideration's Brand New blog as a best of 2016.

Once we had a new identity, new catalog and new collateral we needed our stores to match. Starting with the SoHo store we took a thoughtful approach into the customer experience. We infused play and discovery into the purchase experience so that the buying process was an experience and our rugs were the souvenir.
In 2015 FLOR launched a new line of handmade reclaimed leather rugs in partnership with Elvis and Kresse. In addition to POS messaging and digital support we created video content to share the Elvis and Kresse story and show why our partnership was a natural connection.
In the summer of 2015 we had a last minute opportunity to partner with Pitchfork for their annual music event. We thought it would be a great time to get our product in front of millennials, a target we were trying to expand to. The idea was to give away squares to pitchfork guests so they could have a have a cozier place to sit than on the grass, then have them take them home to sample.

We had a great event with a lot of press and we gained many new fans. To close the loop we sent an email to the people who shared their information at the event. That email open and click rate was double the usual.
In our goal to celebrate creators we worked with Rene Gagnon, a street artist and FLOR fan, to bring excitement to our Burlington Massachusetts store opening. Armed with FLOR squares instead of spray cans, Rene recreated one of his iconic pieces with our product. Then on opening night Rene installed the artwork during our event. The event and art installation received a lot of great press and the end piece was absolutely stunning and brought people in the doors for weeks.

Working with Rene we created 200 one of a kind FLOR branded notebooks for a press event. Using silkscreen over spray paint Rene brought the kinetic creative feeling of FLOR to our press giveaway.

my involvement: Creative Director
art: Ashley Zuniga
copy: Cara Suglich
retail design: Katie Schoene