It's not all
About me
Hello, I'm Kenny, a creative director who builds brands, stories and trust and builds teams who build brands, stories and trust.
My love for creative started by accident... literally. When I was 15 I separated my shoulder on the last day of the first week of BMX camp. I spent the second week behind the camera instead of behind a pair of handlebars. I had every intent on having a career as a photographer, and did for a couple years, but after a series of fortunate events I found myself in the mount room of an agency.
After I left that agency I found myself doing super rewarding work at Target. I learned a ton by being so close to the clients that we'd have a coffee or five together each day. Plus while there I had some kick-ass experiences.
I worked at a couple different agencies and then somehow found myself leading the creative for FLOR, a brand that I love. After that I found myself back at the agency I started at to be the catalyst for change.
While there, a fire was ignited in me to fix some of the problems in our industry. We need better leaders. And in order to get better leaders we need to actually teach people in mid-level roles how to lead. So I dove into learning how to create better leaders and studied life coaching in order to help my teams find their rudder.
I also realized that one of the most important gifts we can give our teams is a safe space to fail (but do everything we can to make sure they don't need it) since really that's the best way to learn.
Because if we’re scared to push things, if we're scared to be wrong, we often won’t be right and our work will be mediocre. I started speaking about this and I call it #FailGood.
So that's me. I should probably have a resume on here but that's what Linkedin is for right? But if you want to see it here I suppose I have this which is a ridiculous but true resume.
Some of the brands I've worked with
Target | FLOR | Johnson & Johnson | P&G | Talkspace | Grubhub | Greenroads | Memorial Sloan Kettering | Build A Rocket Boy | Stackwell | UnitedHealthcare | Energizer | Diageo | Argo Corn Starch | Karo Syrup | Fleischmann's Yeast | Patak's | Canada Dry | Post-It Notes | Scotchblue Painter's Tape | 3M Optical Systems Division | Littman Stethescopes | Therma-Tru | and more...

​​A few things you might not know about me:
Moosejaw named a jacket after me.
I have a phrase published in the Urban Dictionary: Gobot poor.
I wrote an alternative resume that says more about who I truly am rather than a list of places I've worked.
I created a world of AI Art creatures and tell their stories on Instagram.
This led me to writing about AI art for The Muse.
I can solve a Rubik's cube in 1:30 seconds. Yeah it's not a world record but I can solve a freaking cube... I'm impressed.
I was a popular dad blogger before influencers made crazy money.